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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Book Review: The Boy Next Door (Boy #1) - Meg Cabot

The Boy Next Door (Boy #1) - Meg Cabot
Release Date: October 11th, 200S
Publisher: Avon
Genre: Young Adult
Source: Paperbook, PaperbackSwap
Buy the Book: Amazon

My rating:  3 out of 5 stars

Goodreads.com:  Gossip columnist and single New York City girl Mel lives lives in the most exciting place in the world, yet she's bored with her lovelife. But things get interesting fast when the old lady next door is nearly murdered. Mel starts paying closer attention to her neighbors—what exactly is going on with the cute boy next door? Has Mel found the love of her life—or a killer?

My Review:  

I've always been a big fan of Meg Cabot's writing style and have enjoyed all of the books I've read, thus far, by her.  I won't say that these books are tantalizing literary finds, but they are short, sweet, light reads.  All of the books in this series are set up like you are reading the e-mail exchanges among the characters.  For me, it was a little confusing at times, because I'm famous for skipping over words, and I'd have to go back and re-read who wrote the e-mail.  Overall, it was a fun, new format, and I really enjoyed it once I remembered to pay attention to the small details.  Oops.

The story was adorable, and I loved the characters.  I definitely began to root for Melissa (aka Mel) in her quest to find out the truth about her neighbor's nephew.  She's not your typical New Yorker, in the sense that she truly cares for her neighbor, Mrs. Friedlander. One morning, she found her neighbor face down in her apartment, unconscious because she had been attacked.  From that point forward, Mel feels it's her responsibility to care for her neighbors dog, Paco, and her cats.  She starts the journey to find the neighbor's nephew, Max Friedlander.  Let's just say that Max leaves a LOT to be desired in the kind of person you'd want to get to know.

For me, I laughed at Mel's inability to see what was right in front of her face.  I have to admit, she reminded me a lot of me in the dating world.  I definitely connected with Mel in that sense.  For a quick, short, fun, light read - definitely check out this book.  I have reviews for book #2 and book #3 coming soon!

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