Musing Mondays is a weekly "muse" to get you thinking about a topic. Musing Mondays is hosted by Should Be Reading.
This week's topic... (well, the topic I decided I wanted to muse about...)
Describe one of your reading habits.
Since we're all so different - I'm interested to read what everyone else has to say. :o) For me, I read several different times a day. I don't sit down for hours at night curled up with a book. I tend to read for an hour during my lunch break (if I'm not doing homework), for 30 - 45 minutes on the treadmill (on my cardio days), and for approximately 30 minutes at night before going to sleep. Reading at night usually tends to focus my brain on something else besides the piling "to do" list I have going, so it helps me fall asleep.
I tend to read 90% of the books I read on the iPad, but if I do buy them at the bookstore, I'm a dog ear kind of girl. And I hate it. Either that - or I use post it notes. My love bought me a really cute "C" bookmark, but I forget I have it.
I used to frequent the library and check out 5 or 6 books a week, but the library isn't close to me anymore, and I don't find myself going to that part of town very often.
I'm not doing this meme but your post sounded interesting so visited in from Bloglovin'. It is interesting how we all read, I know some readers find all kinds of times to read. I tend to read in the evening after work. Interesting you read so much on your iPad. I only occasionally use it for reading.