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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Armchair BEA Day 3: Literary Fiction

Before I get started discussing today's Armchair BEA topic - I want to share some good news.  All the traffic from my posts yesterday got me so excited to develop this blog even more!  Some I thought I'd share some good news!

You guys!  I did some research, and I found someone who is going to revamp the blog!  Yay!  I couldn't be more excited for an awesome blog background, logo, etc. to really start this journey of mine!  Secondly, I received a couple of books on netgalley for review... one from one of my FAVORITE authors, Richelle Mead, author of The Vampire Academy series.  I could NOT be more excited, so thank you to everyone for visiting, and sharing the love of books and blogging with me!  

And... just because... I'll be hosting a giveaway starting later on this afternoon.  There will  likely be two prizes, so check back for details!  

On to literary fiction...

For me, when I think about literary fiction, it tends to be those novels in high school that we had to read as part of Advanced Placement English.  You know, the ones that we all tried to read the Cliff's Notes versions because we had way more important things to do as teenagers than be consumed with ::gasp:: a book. 

For me, literary fiction is something that touches the soul and changes your life, but it's deeper than just words on a piece of paper.  It's the characters, the language, the plot, the lasting feeling long after I've finished the last word.  

Some of my favorite books are considered literary fiction, and for the most part, I really enjoy the genre.


  1. I've read all three of those and loved them. When I think of literary fiction, I don't tend to think just of classics but of books that are more lyrical and heavier on character development. Since becoming a blogger, I've stopped reading as many since they tend to be slower reads for me.

  2. So many exciting things in the works for you! Wishing you all the good things as you develop your blog.

    Great choices here! I love literary fiction, though I have a hard time defining (I've tried on my blog today). Gatsby is one of my all-time faves, and The Help has been languishing on my Nook for FAR too long.

  3. I love all three of the books that you chose!!! All of them are great!

  4. Yay on all your good news! I have read The Help and The Great Gatsby and liked them!

  5. Hi!We got almost the same on the list haha! I read Gatsby twice this year (rarely happens) I have yet to see the film XD

  6. I loved The Help! It is a moving story. With all of The Great Gatsby buzz... I think I need to check it out. Great list!

  7. I've read The Help and the Great Gatsby. I watched Great Gatsby, last week and Leonardo DiCaprio was so cute as Gatsby! I did a review on it here http://run-the-words.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/the-great-gatsby.html. I haven't read Water For Elephants yet...
